Thursday, April 28, 2011

How much can you and your neighbors recycle? is sponsoring a contest.  You can win!  All you have to do is be the best recycler and composter in town!  Go to Ready Set Recycle Contest to take a pledge and participate.  Single Family residences can win without entering.  But since many of us in Emeryville live in Multi-family residences, we must take the pledge to be eligible to win.  Folks from Stopwaste are auditing garbage, recycling and compost bins randomly, checking to make sure that you put everything in the right bin.  All paper, cans, bottles, cardboard and plastic containers (#1, 2, and 5) go in the recycling.  All food scraps, food soiled cardboard or paper, and plant debris go in the green bin. 

We want to minimize what goes to the landfill!  If it is packaged in something that must be landfilled, think twice before buying it.

Check out the website and try the quiz to see if you know how to recycle like a master!