- Next meeting is on Monday, May 16 at 5:30 p.m. at City Hall on the lower level.
- There are 5 vacancies on the committee to be filled. Apply by Friday, June 3.
First, the meeting time has been made regular, with a quarterly meeting on the third Monday of May, August, November and February at 5:30 p.m. Additional meetings may be called as needed. The early evening start time means that employees, residents and business members are more likely to be able to attend.
Secondly, like other advisory committees we are opening up membership of the committee to allow 5 new positions: 2 residents, 2 business representatives and one labor representative. The decisions of this committee will be recommendations sent on for final city council decision, but this expanded membership of the committee means that there is greater opportunity for input from interested stakeholders.
I encourage you to consider applying for a position on the Finance Committee. Applications can be found here, on the city website. Please remember to include a statement as to why you would like to be appointed, and I strongly recommend that you attend the meeting on Monday, May 16 as well.