Wednesday, May 16, 2012

City Council Update May 2012

Coming up next week is your chance to weigh in on the next 2 year budget of the city of Emeryville. Please come to City Hall (1333 Park Ave.) on Weds, May 23 at 5:30 pm to address the Council and hear our deliberations. On Monday and Tuesday (both days at 5:30pm, also at City Hall) the Department Heads will present their portions of the budget. The agendas are posted for your information. Childcare will be provided.

Planning Commissioner applications are being accepted until Monday, May 21 at 5:00 pm. There are two positions that are up for re-appointment or new appointments. Please find the application here.

Last night, the City Council addressed many issues that may be of interest to you. The list is below, followed by more detailed information on these items with links to even more info.
  • Red light camera system eliminated
  • Fire Services contracted with Alameda County Fire District
  • Bicycle/Pedestrian Plan adopted
  • Information on the hydrogen leak at AC Transit's bus yard (Friday, May 4) shared
  • Emeryville Child Development Center (ECDC) status reported on in special study session
  • ECAP financial support provided for two months
Of course, all of this can be watched online here, or can be viewed on Channel 27, E-TV.

The red light cameras at 4 intersection approaches in town have been in place for about 9 years and they are being discontinued. They are no longer cost effective for Emeryville (staff report is here) as more staff time has been required to support the violations, and the number of citations have decreased. From my perspective, there have been numerous complaints about unfair citations, where the presence of an officer might have resulted in no citation, but the camera just captures one dimension, and the courts have not been willing to consider other information when appealed. These tickets are very expensive, costing around $500. We increased the length of the yellow lights slightly which reduced the number of citations as well. Recently, we added a new sign on eastbound 40th St. alerting drivers to come to a complete stop before turning right on red onto Horton St. This corner was one that provided most of the citations by camera. Please look for pedestrians and drive safely in Emeryville!

With the support of staff in the Fire Dept., we have committed to a contract (staff report) with the Alameda County Fire District. The ACFD is very well run and will provide enhanced services for a lower cost than we currently spend. Over the years, ACFD has grown to include Dublin, Newark and the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. Our fire stations will remain open, the staff will be the same, but we will have better coverage and support from both the county and our nearest neighbor, Oakland. The contract is for 5 years.

I am very excited about the Bike/Ped Plan (this is a large file for the plan itself, the staff report is shorter). It very clearly lists projects and improvements throughout town that will make alternative, active transportation better for all residents and workers in Emeryville. Look for new bike fix-it stations with tools to repair your bike! Safety and convenience are key to encouraging more people to leave their cars behind.

The hydrogen leak at the AC Transit bus yard is still being investigated. We know that AC Transit has been responsive to the City's concerns, and that the Fire Dept., the Police Dept., and the School District were all prepared and fast to respond to the emergency on May 4. The hydrogen tanks are now empty and the program will not be reactivated until all concerns have been addressed. The safety system worked as it was supposed to. Please see the official press release for more information.

For the latest on ECDC, you can read the staff report about the Quality Improvement Plan (QIP) that our new, dedicated Center Manager is already implementing. We asked for an outside analysis of the Center and have found that there are many improvements to be made. This is an opportunity to really support the center and anticipate the positive, long term results from a strong early childhood education program in Emeryville. We know this is one way to support the schools as well. Now we need to encourage the state to keep funding for subsidized childcare for those who cannot otherwise afford it, as the Governor's budget reduces both the subsidy and reduces the number of families that qualify. Please consider lending your voice to that need as well here for pre-school support and here for K-12 support.

ECAP has been organized and cleaned up by a dedicated group of people over the past several months, and its doors are still open to help those who really need it. For 15 years, ECAP has offered food and clothing to people who do not have enough to get by (located at San Pablo Ave. near 37th St.). With the loss of the redevelopment agency in Feb., the organization was suddenly on its own to find money to pay the rent and utilities. In our next 2 year budget, the City is considering whether to assist this organization, but in the meantime, we have approved funds to cover operating expenses for May and June to keep the lights on. Please consider donating money, time or clothing to this organization. Staff report is here.

Current vacancies on committees: Ad Hoc City Mission statement and Motto Committee (applications due by Monday, June 4); Marina Committee (applications due by Friday, June 8). Application is here.